Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Jim Sullivan : The Shift - How to Plan It. Lead It. Make It Pay

The Shift - How to Plan It. Lead It. Make It Pay (1 DVD Video)

What High-Performing Managers Do Before, During and After Profitable Shifts.

You measure your company's performance history by reading a Profit & Loss statement.

But you make or lose-money in your operation in direct proportion to how well you or your management team leads.

Every critical component and competency of a profitable foodservice or hotel operation--service, selling, marketing, training, cost control, food safety, teamwork--must be planned, managed and executed during The Shift.

But unfortunately, research shows that most shifts just "happen", with managers scheduled to either "open" or "close", with very little training or education on how to plan, locus, or set shift goals.

This dynamic new program collects the best practices from over 500 award-winning food service managers and shows you what to do before, during, and after each shift to make your customers happy, your employees excited and the cash register full!